God’s Final Warning! The Apocalypse
God’s Final Warning! The Apocalypse written by Angela Renee’ ISBN 978-1-964013-00-8 Order now on https://apocalypseofgod.com
April 15, 2024 – Summerfield, FL Affinity Publishing Group, Inc. has published God’s Final Warning! The Apocalypse, written by Angela Renee. The book, 484 pages hardcover book is on sale now.

The reason for the coming apocalypse is to rid the world of all evil that is being committed. God’s is charging the world with REPEATED FAILURE TO OBSERVE DIVINE REGULATION. God sent Moses and the prophets to show us the way. We did not obey Moses or the prophets. God sent his only son to show his love to the world. The world took the love He gave and has used it as a template to market and profit from the crucifixion.
False teachers are not following the true teachings of God through Moses or through Jesus. Many of God’s people have not had a chance to learn the truth of Jesus’ teachings and are at risk of perishing. This warning from God is confirmed in the Old Testament and The New Testament, and is the last warning that will be coming to us before God’s final judgment against the evil of this world. Anyone reading this cannot say to God or his angels that no warning was given.
This warning to the world has been signified by God through Jesus’ teachings, Ezekiel’s visions of the worship around God’s throne seen 2500 years ago, John’s vision around God’s throne nearly 2000 years ago, and original 1999 color photos of Ezekiel’s and John’s visions, taken by Angela Renee’, are included in this book, as well as illustrations of the Garden of Eden events.
Affinity Ministries

Press Release
July 16, 2008
Affinity Publishing Group, Inc. set to publish “The Holy Revelation”, July 25, 2008. The book is comprehensive bible study of the Book of Revelation. This study takes you into what is going on in the churches today. It is a call to arms for all Christians to make sure they understand the word of God. The lessons are designed to help anyone who wants to learn the Book of Revelation. The book goes deep into the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Seven Churches in Asia, and how we as Christians could be numbered with those churches that do not overcome. It is written in English, and is based on the original manuscripts and King James Bible. The book is an easy to read study book and comes with an Affinity seal which is to only be loosened by the buyer. It has 250 pages of in-depth studies including history of the seven churches and other topics covered in Revelation. This book is a must-have for the serious Revelation student or teacher.
About the Author: Angela Renee Anderson
The Holy Revelation was written and prepared by Angela Renee Anderson, primarily for the nursing home ministry. Anderson ministers to the elderly every Sunday morning at Parkview Meadows, Northside Healthcare, and Boulevard Terrace in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. “When we started studying the book of Revelation, I prayed over the lessons. I never expected to publish a book. When writing the lessons, it was about getting it right. It took seven months to write The Holy Revelation, and it was through prayer to God that I was able to write and teach it. It was never my intent to sell the book, but God had other plans. God answered my prayer.” said Anderson.
Ministering to the elderly is more than just a passion for Anderson. “They need love”, she says. She works very hard each Sunday to make sure they receive that love. “I never understood why I had to grow up without a mother, and now God has shown me that He reserved that love just for this purpose. It breaks my heart to see how strangers that come to the nursing homes look at the residents. They, without realizing it, act as if they will receive some sort of disease from being touched by the residents. It just makes me love them even more. The funny thing is, I am getting the best end of the deal to have all of those people love me back.
Anderson recently released her first CD titled “God’s Will Be Done.” She is a resident of Murfreesboro, TN.
Anyone wanting to order a copy of the book can call Affinity Publishing Group, Inc. or order online at affinitypublishinggroupinc.com. The book will also be available at Hastings.